


氮化硼(Boron Nitride):六角平面氮化硼 俗稱白石墨

  • 優良的熱傳導率: 400 W/m*k
  • 良好的絕緣性: 阻抗 >1015 Ohm*cm
  • 反射率 > 95% UV IR 波長
  • 乾式潤滑:無吸附(Mohs ‹ 2)、良好的加工性
  • 低比重(1.2~1.6 g/cm3):填充後比重變化小


  • 塑膠LED燈座
  • 熱介面材(導熱貼片、導熱膠)
  • 鋰電池、汽車塑膠套件的散熱材
  • 塑膠散熱鰭片



氮化硼 vs 三氧化二鋁

3M™ Boron Nitride Cooling Fillers Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)
Raw Materials
  • Lower loading level
  • Lower material consumption for thin-walled parts
  • Requires higher filler loading to generate desired thermal conductivity
  • Faster cycle times and line speeds
  • Easier to process thin-walled and complex shapes
  • No increase in wear on process tooling
  • No dust build-up during processing
  • Hard to process complex or thin-walled shapes
  • Hard, abrasive particles cause wear on process tooling
Final Article
  • Lighter weight, thinner parts
  • High heat removal capability
  • Simpler, more compact designs
  • High reflectivity
  • Higher density, heavier parts
  • Low reflectivity for LED applications

Property 3M™ Boron Nitride Cooling Filler Platelets 3M™ Boron Nitride Cooling Filler Flakes* 3M™ Boron Nitride Cooling Filler Agglomerates*
Form Highly crystalline BN single platelets Hybrid flake agglomerate of crystalline BN platelets Bulk agglomerate of crystalline BN platelets
Aspect Ratio Up to 30 1-2
Particle Size (mean) 1-15µm 50-400µm 20-400µm
Bulk Density (Scott) 0.05-0.55 g/cm3 0.6-0.8 g/cm3 0.25-0.5 g/cm3
Mohs hardness <2
Electrical Resistance >1015 Ohm*cm
Dielectric Constant 3.9
Thermal Conductivity 400 W/m*k (in-plane)
Applications Thermoplastic polymers Thermoplastic polymers, thermosets, resins Thermal interfaces (foils, pads, adhesives)